Dorset Council gifted £20k to train fibre engineers

Mon, 13/12/2021 - 12:35
Hard Hat

Dorset Council has been awarded £20,000 from the Local Government Association Digital Pathfinders to develop a training programme for fibre engineers and help the county catch up with gigabit connectivity.

Nationally 63% of premises now have gigabit capable broadband whereas in Dorset the figure is just 15%. The county needs around 300 engineers to fulfil the government's full fibre roll-out ambitions.

Cllr Jill Haynes, Dorset Council's portfolio holder for Corporate Development and Transformation, said: "We want to take matters into our own hands and train people locally to fulfil these essential roles.

"Having enough fibre engineers in Dorset, will help broadband suppliers access the expertise needed and roll out full fibre to more of our premises in the county."