MS3 offers direct sales channels to ISP partners

Thu, 12/09/2024 - 12:59
Ms3 vans

MS3 Networks is enabling its ISP partners to take advantage of dedicated field sales and telesales agents managed by the altnet on a reward-based model to grow their customer base.

Partner Plus Direct sales were created to afford the benefits of field sales, including door-knocking, event attendance and pop-up stands, to ISPs without the scale, capability or management availability to execute this effectively. 

As part of the support package, MS3’s sales experts will spend time with each partner to understand their short and long-term sales goals.

Partners only incur a cost when a sale turns into a connected customer and they have the option to pay for this as either an upfront, per sale fee, or as an uplift in the monthly rental charge for that home.  

Jaak Cheshire, Commercial Director at MS3 Networks, said: “MS3’s partner programme starts on day one of an ISP joining our network, and we already offer financial, sales and marketing support.

“We’re now taking that support up a notch, in a way we’ve not seen other wholesale networks do before.”
