Neos midway through Aberdeenshire full fibre build

Thu, 15/07/2021 - 16:26

Neos Networks has completed segment three of its region-wide full fibre network project in Aberdeenshire, signalling the midway point of the project.

To date, Neos has connect 93 total public sector sites via 153km of new underground fibre cabling, heading towards the target of 275km.

Neos has also supported five apprenticeships on the project and five structured work placements.

Further community outreach includes five facilitated professional courses for the programme team to upskill the workforce, and 100 hours of staff time working with community organisations, including helping digitally isolated individuals gain access to devices.

Lorna Ormiston, Programme Director for Neos Networks, said: We are well on track to complete the rest of the project on time and on budget despite all work having been completed during the pandemic."