Over 98% of Gloucestershire homes and businesses can now access a superfast broadband connection, through one of the first types of UK projects of its kind that started in 2012 to increase superfast coverage in the county.

Lit Fibre has chosen Calix’s Intelligent Access EDGE to build a full fibre network that will serve 500,000 UK homes by 2026.
CityFibre and Grayshott Gigabit are also using this technology which claims to cut standard integration times, accelerating time to market, and increase revenue.
Lit Fibre CEO Tom Williams said: “Lit Fibre has publicly announced we have work underway in eight towns and communities, and we’ve already launched services in three of these towns.
“A key reason we’ve been able to deploy so quickly is the simplified network and operations delivered by the Calix platform. We’ve reduced the time to deploy new services, accelerated subscriber installations, and cut operations expenses.”