Telehouse International Corporation of Europe has enabled EXA Infrastructure to expand its London metro offering by installing two fully diverse, high fibre count cables in Telehouse South – Telehouse’s newest data centre located in London Docklands, complementing the existing platform offering on both fibre and transmission.
Data Centre
Neos Networks has added sites in London and Manchester to its UK-wide fibre network, as it nears reaching 100 on-net data centres.
Glide Group has completed a network upgrade for its London datacentre ring from 2.4Tbps of capability to 9.6Tbps as traffic requirements swell 15% year on year.
Proximity Data Centres is joining forces with VMO2 Business to deliver dark fibre and optical high-capacity services across its nine facilities.
Quickline and Zayo’s recent investment into space at Proximity’s edge colocation facilities highlights the evolving role of data centres in hybrid fibre rollouts.