FullFibre has formed a strategic partnership with VeloxServ, in a collaboration that will significantly expand the connectivity options available to businesses across 11 counties and up to 160 towns served by the FullFibre network.

Proximity Data Centres is joining forces with VMO2 Business to deliver dark fibre and optical high-capacity services across its nine facilities.
Currently, 50% of Proximity’s network of edge facilities include VM Business Wholesale connectivity options, with the Nottingham Edge 1 data centre being the most recently upgraded.
Diego Tedesco, Wholesale Fixed Director at VMO2 Business, added: “We are focused on leveraging our nationwide fibre network to connect next-generation digital infrastructure, and ultimately drive better outcomes for the UK.
“Together with Proximity Data Centres we can offer high capacity, low-latency solutions that will meet the demands of a range of businesses, giving them greater choice in a rapidly evolving market.”
Proximity expects to be running a total of 20 sites within the next 12 to 18 months, providing nationwide coverage and reaching 95% of the UK population.