CityFibre has reaffirmed its commitment to create thousands of jobs as it seeks to advance the roll out of its full fibre infrastructure.
Work to provide Gigabit connectivity in Wolverhampton will begin in March as part of a £4.9m agreement between CityFibre and the City of Wolverhampton Counci
Openreach has lowered the free FTTP threshold for housing developments from 30 to 20 new builds.
Essex-based County Broadband has witnessed a five-fold increase in its workforce so far this year, up from 16 to 60 since the start of 2019 with expectations
A link up between Digital Wholesale Solutions (DWS) and CityFibre gives DWS partners access to full fibre Ethernet products across the infrastructure provide
Gigaclear has become the first broadband provider to drill under the River Severn to reach two of Gloucestershire's most remote and poorly connected villages
In the years ahead, the connectivity landscape is going to look radically different.
Following a product refresh Glide has introduced symmetrical speeds for uploads and downloads on full fibre products.
Over 1,100 Swindon businesses have access to gigabit-capable Internet services from CityFibre offered through its exclusive launch partner Excalibur.
SureVoIP has witnessed over 40% growth in its customer base following a partnership with fibre network provider Grain Connect.
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