7 September, 2023, 10:32 am

"Competition creates innovation and wakes up incumbents. If it wasn’t for the handful of trailblazing altnets, the UK would have continued our slide down the global connectivity rankings."

9 August, 2023, 12:19 pm

"I joined Gigabit Networks because the existing team are driven by a passion for connectivity that empowers communities, drives innovation, and transforms lives. In my new role, I hope to be a part of a future where every individual and business has access to the digital opportunities that full fibre enables."

26 July, 2023, 12:36 pm

Continually reviewing and improving the health and safety of staff and contractors is a top priority for fibre providers, with best practices in occupational health and safety measures the goal of all altnets. At the forefront of these efforts is Vorboss, a founding member of the Safety and Health in Fibre Telecoms (SHiFT), and here, Chief People Officer Jayelene O’Callaghan shares insights into the company's approach to managing and monitoring risk.

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