Gigaclear caps West Oxfordshire BDUK rollout

Mon, 8/11/2021 - 12:17
Gigaclear engineer

Gigaclear has wrapped up its £21m BDUK rollout in West Oxfordshire, which has connected 30% of the region to full fibre.

Since partnering with the West Oxfordshire District Council back in 2017, Gigaclear has laid more than 700km of fibre to connect more than 16,000 homes and businesses.

Celina Joiner, Programme Manager, said: "The pandemic truly underlined how important a fast, reliable connection is, especially in historically underserved areas of the county.

"We have contributed approximately £10 for every £1 of BDUK subsidy to connect some of the most rural communities."

Gigaclear will continue to expand its network in West Oxfordshire on a commercial basis. By 2023, the altnet aims to double its reach.