New economic research by Cebr shows Openreach’s digital upgrade could generate £4bn for Scottish economy by 2029 and help reverse depopulation, with half of Scottish residents now able to connect to broadband – thanks to £435m investment in the nation’s new network.
CityFibre has begun work to connect more than 45,000 homes and businesses across areas of Leicestershire and Warwickshire to full fibre thanks to an award of £77m as part of Project Gigabit.
As well as the government’s award, CityFibre will be contributing its own investment to deliver the project and reach even more homes and businesses in the area.
These rollouts are part of the company’s commitment to reach at least eight million premises nationwide.
The residents across the region will have access to full fibre for the first time and this rollout marks the seventh of nine Project Gigabit delivery contracts secured by CityFibre, with the first Project Gigabit customers already connected in Cambridge, Norfolk and Suffolk.
Sir Chris Bryant, Telecoms Minister, said that the government-backed project would help rural communities build infrastructure to thrive, improving healthcare access and securing more jobs.
Greg Mesch, Chief Executive Officer at CityFibre, added: “Leaving behind the limitations of copper technology and improving vital infrastructure will provide a significant boost for the local economy.”