New research reveals that British broadband consumers are being widely misled by advertising, according to an online survey out by AllPoints Fibre (APFN) and its polling partner YouGov.
The research found a high level of consumer understanding (70 percent) that full-fibre connections are generally faster and more reliable than part-copper connections.
However, 77 percent of those questioned were unaware that it is currently legal to advertise part-copper broadband as ‘fibre’.
A further 72 percent agreed that it is misleading that companies can advertise part-copper broadband as ‘fibre’, as currently allowed by the UK’s Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).
In an open letter to Advertising Standards Authority Chief Executive Guy Parker, APFN Group Chief Executive Jarlath Finnegan highlights this problem and asks the ASA to act immediately.
The letter notes that Ofcom recently updated its guidance in this area, mandating that broadband companies to clarify what part-fibre and full fibre broadband are on their websites and in contractual information.
It also cites good practice from around Europe to ensure that their consumers are properly informed about the different types of broadband available. In a September 2024 statement, the ASA said that it was keeping a ‘watching brief’ on this issue.
The letter urges the ASA to act, given that seven years have now passed since its original decision.