Quickline Communications is boosting digital skills training across south Yorkshire, donating tablets and Chromebooks to help jobseekers and economically inactive parents gain employment.

Community Fibre and Westminster City Council have expanded the altnet’s Digital Skills programme across the borough.
The Digital Ambassadors scheme, which launched in February 2021, aims to boost confidence and close the digital divide across the capital.
The partnership involves recruiting and training local volunteers to deliver one-on-one training to digitally excluded residents in local libraries. Volunteers freely educate hundreds of residents on a variety of skills, such as navigating a smartphone to using email.
This expansion will see the programme launched in new locations, such as leisure centres and GP practices.
Training will be made more accessible to local residents identified by the Council as those more likely to be digitally excluded, including people with disabilities or those struggling with household finances.
Richard, a local Westminster resident, said: “There is a much greater need for digital skills now than when I was in the workplace. After a few months of attending the sessions, my digital skills have significantly improved.
“My confidence with my laptop has improved and I’ve become less frightened of pressing the wrong button and losing all of my information now. The sessions have also got me out of the house and given my days a sense of purpose at times.”