A recent survey from bOnline has shown that many SMEs are unsure about the availability of altnet in their area, with confusion over the UK’s broadband roll-out strategy.
CityFibre’s £22m investment in Weston-Super-Mare could spur a £144m economic uplift, including £73m in productivity benefits, £16m from a widened workforce, and £4m in Local Authority savings.
The study by the consultancy Hatch estimates that over a fifteen-year period Weston-Super-Mare will realise £174m gross added value (GVA) from 5G services, £70m from the Internet of Things and £31m from Smart City initiatives, like intelligent traffic management systems and street lighting.
Area Manager Kathryn Askew Smith, said: “This report demonstrates how fibre is a catalyst for growth and a platform for innovation and investment.”
Councillor Mark Canniford, North Somerset Council’s Executive Member for Placemaking and Economy, added: “The investment in the network supports our economy to remain competitive, innovate and grow.