Ofcom Director joins the ITP

Tue, 9/07/2024 - 14:52

Nihal Newman, Director of Network Security and Resilience Policy at Ofcom, has joined The ITP (Institute of Telecommunications Professionals) as a patron.

Newman currently leads Ofcom’s network security and resilience policy work across the telecoms and internet infrastructure sectors. She is responsible for overseeing policy aspects of Ofcom’s regulatory supervisory regimes and has oversight of a cybersecurity outcome testing scheme.

She is a member of Ofcom’s Operations Board, Senior Leadership Group, and Technology Profession. In 2023, Newman led Ofcom’s initiative uniting telecoms organisations to sign a Women in Tech pledge.

She said: “By combining my passion of creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workforce with my drive for sector-wide change, I can support the ITP in developing talent that helps us grow a thriving telecoms industry."

Charlotte Goodwill, CEO of the ITP, added: " Nihal’s expertise and dedication to advancing diversity and inclusion in the telecoms industry align perfectly with our mission.”