Fibreray Group has completed the acquisition and integration of Runfibre and intends to continue rolling out the specialist ISP’s network to help bridge the digital divide.

Zzoomm has appointed Acuity Advisors to explore potential M&A targets, according to a report from Sky News.
Our latest updates from the Oaktree-backed altnet puts it at 200,000 premises ready for service and 30,000 customers signed up.
It operates in nearly 30 market towns and small urban communities across the UK.
In the altnet’s 2023 financial results CEO Matthew Hare confirmed an interest in M&A. He said: “We are well positioned to make acquisitions in fragmented and competitive markets as we are growing faster, have a more highly valued brand and network and stronger commercial proposition than many of our peers.
“An enlarged group, based around our established operational and effectiveness and technical infrastructure, would benefit from the economies of scale.”