The UK ranked in the top 10 markets by FTTH/B growth rates for Q1 2024 recording a 7.2% increase in subscribers according to Point Topic.

Altnets have grown their share of the residential subscriber market from 1.99% to 2.35% over the last 18 months, representing a net gain of around 100,000 subscribers from the UK’s incumbents.
Data from ThinkCX measured the five major incumbents against 18 of the most prominent UK altnets and found an unbroken 18-month run of success for the alternative network providers.
The report reads: “When we look at monthly data, the pattern of small market share increases for the altnets and losses for the incumbent group is obvious and consistent.”
ThinkCX states that a paradigm shift has occurred, with investors now focusing on homes connected as the key metric, as opposed to the previous race for homes passed.
“Certain neighbourhoods may be serviced by two or more competing network operators, and homes passed does not account for the critical final step in the process; the choice the consumer makes about who to pay,” states the report.