Energy transparency a priority for broadband operators

Thu, 12/01/2023 - 13:41
Energy Efficiency

Most UK broadband operators are more likely to work with vendors that use energy-efficiency labels (84%).

Respondents to an S&T Iskratel-funded CensusWide also favour publishing data about the energy efficiency of products and solutions (97%).

Whilst the survey shows that energy efficiency and transparency are becoming priorities across Scopes one, two and three, some are still uninterested.

A third (29%) of UK broadband leaders are not prepared to adopt labelling now or in the future.

Simon Čimžar, CTO of Business unit Broadband at S&T Iskratel: “According to the survey findings, younger decision makers (aged up to 34) are more likely to take environmental sustainability into account when selecting a vendor to work with.
“Their answers were 7-8% above the averages compared to respondents aged 35-44 and 45 and older, signalling a positive outlook for the future of broadband networks.”