A recent survey from bOnline has shown that many SMEs are unsure about the availability of altnet in their area, with confusion over the UK’s broadband roll-out strategy.
Overall FTTP coverage was just over 15m premises at the end of Q1 2023, up from 13m at end-2022, according to the latest update from ThinkPoint.
Coverage has risen 50% or higher in 39% of local authorities, up from 31% of LAs three months earlier. During Q1 2023, 29 local authorities saw 10%+ growth in the percentage of their premises passed.
As of 31 March 2023, the FTTP coverage was lower than 20% of premises in 14.1% of UK local authorities. This dropped from 19.4% at end-2022.
Across the UK, more than 1.6m premises can now choose between three fibre providers whilst 2.5m have access to two or more.