Virgin Media O2’s gigabit broadband rollout continues, with more than 9,000 more homes in Bath having access to services after work completed.
Overall FTTP coverage was just over 15m premises at the end of Q1 2023, up from 13m at end-2022, according to the latest update from ThinkPoint.
Coverage has risen 50% or higher in 39% of local authorities, up from 31% of LAs three months earlier. During Q1 2023, 29 local authorities saw 10%+ growth in the percentage of their premises passed.
As of 31 March 2023, the FTTP coverage was lower than 20% of premises in 14.1% of UK local authorities. This dropped from 19.4% at end-2022.
Across the UK, more than 1.6m premises can now choose between three fibre providers whilst 2.5m have access to two or more.