GoFibre has awarded a three-year contract to L3 Optics to help deliver first Project Gigabit lot in Scotland, improving connectivity for residents by giving access to full fibre broadband.

Ogi is nearing the completion of a first phase privately-backed project to bring new high-capacity connectivity and route diversity to Wales.
The concession agreement held between the Welsh Government will bring new dark fibre and microduct products into the south east region of Wales.
The altnet is utilising the public-owned motorway and trunk road network to instal a new diverse route into Wales over the Prince of Wales Bridge, into Europe’s largest datacentre campus, Vantage CWL1, and onwards to key hubs such as Cardiff’s Empire exchange in the capital’s Stadium House.
Ogi’s CEO, Ben Allwright, said: “With established datacentres and increasing interest from data hungry sectors looking to scale in Wales, now’s the time to bring this diversity and high-capacity resilience into south Wales.
“This contract between Ogi and the Welsh Government is the very bedrock of Wales’s digital revolution, bringing highly skilled jobs and greater prosperity to Wales.”
Ogi will initially offer dark fibre and microduct products ready for service in early 2024. Future phases of the scheme could see infrastructure reaching the west coast of Wales, supporting carriers and hyper-scalers to reach international subsea fibre connections.