Gigaclear is celebrating a strong year of growth for 2024, with more than 130,000 connected customers on its network and 40,000 of these were connected in the last year alone – an increase in its customer base by almost 50% in just 12 months
More than 62,000 of Scotland’s hardest to connect premises have been addressed by the Scottish Government’s Reaching 100% programme, according to a recent Newsletter.
The £600m R100 rollout has delivered to remote and rural properties in over 200 places in the first half of this year, from the Shetland islands of Yell and Whalsay to Stranraer and Wigtown in Dumfries and Galloway and across the Atlantic to Argyll’s Isle of Seil.
Over 5,950 premises in Aberdeenshire and more than 6,500 in the Scottish Borders also have access to fibre through R100 contracts. Builds are also ramping up in Moray and Stirlingshire.
Openreach is due to start R100 builds in dozens of more places before the end of the year, including the Hebridean island of Mull, Westray and Rousay in Orkney and Kilchoan in the Highlands.