Shortcomings in government incentives for high-capacity network expansion are stifling the ability of altnets to serve UK business growth, according to Neos Networks.

The Scottish Government is launching an Open Market Review Request for Information to identify potential intervention areas for public subsidy.
A statement reads: “We invite suppliers to provide us with information about their broadband infrastructure within Scotland as detailed below.
“This will allow the Scottish Government to identify the areas which are currently not commercially and/or where no infrastructure exists or is planned to be built within the next three years (and beyond, if available).”
The outcome of this review and subsequent Public Review will be categorise ‘White’, ‘Grey’, ‘Black’ and ‘Under Review’ premises. The Scottish Government will then only subsidise build to premises which have been designated as White in any future procurements.
The Scottish Government is currently working with the UK Government to develop a procurement approach for funding contracts to suppliers delivering gigabit-capable wholesale infrastructure in Scotland.
This procurement approach will be a successor to the Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband programme and work in parallel with the current R100 programme.