Virgin Media Businesses’ social value programme in Greater Manchester has delivered economic benefits worth £11.8m in its first year.
Openreach has reported a boost in female recruits after removing coded gender bias from job adverts.
Ogi’s Construction Director Steve Wigley-Jones is retiring after four decades in the telecoms industry.
Homes managed by Swindon Borough Council will be among the first connected to CityFibre’s £40m roll out in the Wiltshire town following a blanket agreement that helps negotiates wayleaves.
Freedom Fibre’s activity in the north west will enter Shropshire in Spring 2022 with Whitchurch, Wem and Prees set to join the altnet’s £5m gigabit-capable network.
A new access product from CityFibre accelerates the speed to market for ISPs across the altnet’s fast expanding national footprint. What does this mean? Head of Consumer Sales Emma Goodwin explains.
Neos Networks has enjoyed extraordinary growth since its rebrand and strategic rebirth last year – expanding its aggregation network, making big strides in underpinning Three UK’s 5G strategy, and charging ahead with high capacity mission critical connectivity.
G.Network has hired current TfL CFO Simon Kilonback to leverage his financial and infrastructural expertise.
Altnet Full Fibre has partnered with Kickstart to create ten positions for 16–24-year-olds looking for hands-on experience in the industry.
Borderlink, which trades as GoFibre, has received a further £164m investment from Gresham House to accelerate its full fibre rollout in Scotland and the north of England.