Trenches Law channels expertise into Isle of Wight rollout

Wed, 9/06/2021 - 10:12

Telecoms law firm Trenches Law has teamed up with property agent Island Lettings to speed up the full fibre rollout on the Isle of Wight.

Island Lettings, with 600 properties in its portfolio, will introduce Trenches Law to property owners on the island whilst the law will aid ISPs on matters such as wayleaves and communicating with landlords.

Carole Lee, Wayleave Liaison Manager at Trenches Law, said: "This relationship really highlights the power of teamwork in the property and communications space.

"Tenants benefit from ultrafast broadband which is in particularly high demand right now, and the network operators we represent can press on with their ambitious build programmes as planned."

WightFibre is currently leading a £90m project on the Isle of Wite, aiming to equip 60,000 premises with gigabit-capable broadband by the end of 2022.