A recent survey from bOnline has shown that many SMEs are unsure about the availability of altnet in their area, with confusion over the UK’s broadband roll-out strategy.
Openreach has named the 12 locations next to benefit from its fibre rollout, covering a further 184k homes and businesses.
The locations are predominantly in London with areas including Bayswater, Chiswick, Finchley, Holborn, Kensington Gardens, South Kensington, Leagrave, Pimlico, Skyport, Stratford and Wembley, as well as the village of Healing in East Lincolnshire.
Openreach has also updated its website to give more information about where and when the build will start in each exchange location.
CEO Clive Selley said: “We want our plans to be as clear and comprehensive as possible, so we’ve adjusted our published build plans to hopefully make them easier to understand."
Openreach will update the build information a minimum of every three months to adjust the timings of any areas that have moved back or been brought forward.